Since 1985 the Institute of Analytic Interviewing has delivered training to over 10,000 military, law enforcement, corporate, and government personnel across four continents including North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia that set the standards for the industry.
18017 Chatsworth Street Ste. 516, Granada Hills, Ca., 91344
Institute of Analytic Interviewing
Copyright © 2021 – All Rights Reserved
The overall seminar topics, length, format, and content can be customized to meet your needs. These hosted seminars are available on either a contract or co-sponsored basis. With either the contract or the co-sponsor option, the hosting agency will need to provide a suitable training location.
Any of IAI’s seminars can be conducted on a contract basis, offering the agency a fixed rate based on number of seats from your specific agency. This allows a specific agency to estimate its costs accurately and to train more investigators at a reduced cost. Investigators from other agencies may be invited at the discretion of the contracting organization.
Benefits of a Contract Class:
The host agency will partner with IAI to deliver a co-sponsored program. The host agency will need to provide a training location and some marketing support.
IAI will be responsible to promote the event to area law enforcement agencies and be responsible for the production of marketing flyers, seminar materials, speaker expenses, registration and invoicing. The host agency will be compensated for the training location and marketing support with free training slots in the seminar.
Benefits of a Co-Sponsored Seminar: